We found 6 episodes of Jupiter Extras with the tag “linuxfest northwest”.
Brunch with Brent: Carl Richell
July 24th, 2020 | 42 mins
be bold, brunch with brent, carl richell, community, emma marshall, extras, hardware, interview podcast, jeremy soller, jupiter broadcasting, lfnw, linux, linuxfest northwest, open firmware, open source, pop!_os, spacex, system76
Brent sits down with Carl Richell, Founder and CEO of System76. We explore the people, passion, and culture behind the scenes, learn of young Carl, the early years of building a Linux-focused hardware business, how today System76 fuels a tiny piece of SpaceX, and more.
Carl's Community Ask: Be Bold.
Brunch with Brent: Daniel Foré
April 3rd, 2020 | 53 mins 8 secs
app centre, brunch with brent, community, daniel foré, design, desire paths, diversity, elementary os, extras, flatpak, gentoo, gnome, guadec, interview podcast, jupiter broadcasting, korora, lfnw, linux, linuxfest northwest, open source, software development, ubuntu, user error
Brent sits down with Daniel Foré, founder of elementary OS and co-host of User Error. We explore his early years in design and software, formative aspects of Ubuntu and Gentoo, the philosophies and history of elementary OS, and more.
Brunch with Brent: Joe Ressington
January 7th, 2020 | 45 mins 40 secs
brunch with brent, choose linux, community, critical thinking, extras, interview podcast, joe ressington, jupiter broadcasting, kde, late night linux, linux, linux action news, linux action show, linux unplugged, linuxfest northwest, mastodon, music, musician, oggcamp, open source, plasma, taylor swift, ubuntu, user error, xfce
Brent sits down with Joe Ressington, Jupiter Broadcasting Podcast Content Director, Late Night Linux host, and musician, for an exploration of his journey in podcasting, a behind-the-scenes of User Error and Linux Action News, how music led to Linux, the origins of Brunch with Brent's theme music, and more.
Brunch with Brent: Emma Marshall
November 19th, 2019 | 55 mins 47 secs
brunch with brent, cat, community, dog, emma marshall, happiness, inclusive, interview podcast, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linuxfest northwest, pinball, pink, system76, taylor swift, thelio, women
Brent sits down with Emma Marshall, Customer Happiness Manager at System76 for a fun chat touching on her love of pinball and puppies, spreading happiness, women in tech, and more.
Brunch with Brent: Martin Wimpress
November 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 2 mins
brunch with brent, canonical, collaboration, community, emoji, gpd, interview podcast, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linuxfest northwest, martin wimpress, mate, oggcamp, open source, ubucon europe, ubuntu, ubuntu mate
Brent sits down with Martin Wimpress, co-founder and project lead for Ubuntu MATE, Director of Ubuntu Desktop at Canonical, and co-host of Ubuntu Podcast.
Brunch with Brent: Angela Fisher
October 9th, 2019 | 1 hr 1 min
#yesmom, al-anon, angela fisher, brunch with brent, community, eero, extras, fauxshow, interview podcast, jupiter broadcasting, learning, linuxfest northwest, parenting, tech talk today
Brent sits down with Angela Fisher, Executive Producer at Linux Academy, Jupiter Broadcasting co-founder, co-host of many JB productions including The FauxShow, and Tech Talk Today, among others.