We found 2 episodes of Jupiter Extras with the tag “emma marshall”.
Brunch with Brent: Carl Richell
July 24th, 2020 | 42 mins
be bold, brunch with brent, carl richell, community, emma marshall, extras, hardware, interview podcast, jeremy soller, jupiter broadcasting, lfnw, linux, linuxfest northwest, open firmware, open source, pop!_os, spacex, system76
Brent sits down with Carl Richell, Founder and CEO of System76. We explore the people, passion, and culture behind the scenes, learn of young Carl, the early years of building a Linux-focused hardware business, how today System76 fuels a tiny piece of SpaceX, and more.
Carl's Community Ask: Be Bold.
Brunch with Brent: Emma Marshall
November 19th, 2019 | 55 mins 47 secs
brunch with brent, cat, community, dog, emma marshall, happiness, inclusive, interview podcast, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linuxfest northwest, pinball, pink, system76, taylor swift, thelio, women
Brent sits down with Emma Marshall, Customer Happiness Manager at System76 for a fun chat touching on her love of pinball and puppies, spreading happiness, women in tech, and more.